Sponsor one of our foster cats
Animal Welfare (Furness) strives to deliver the utmost care for every cat that is brought through our rescue cattery door. The recent years have seen a significant increase in the number of cats that are; extremely elderly, experiencing long term illnesses, experiencing long term injury issues, or those that have been abandoned which has had a detrimental effect on their mental wellbeing.
Each and every one of these cats are given the best possible chance to receive the care, medication and time they need to ensure their lives are at the best possible quality. However, unfortunately some of these cats require medication for the rest of their lives which is costly, or have behavioural issues which we hope with time and the right environment will continue to improve, or we know that even though we have saved and improved their lives and they are happy, they don’t have many years, or in some cases months left to be with us. These cats can sometimes become the unadoptable.
But each of these cats still deserves to live in a loving home. We understand that it can be difficult in the current climate to adopt animals with additional needs and costs, so we have developed our Cat Fostering Project.
You can learn more about our Foster Cats and support the project by clicking the 'Sponsor Me' buttons below.